Wildstep Shop
WildStep, in association with SchoolPro TLC, gives you the opportunity to invest in rewilding and conservation projects in the UK. See our current opportunities here:

The climate crisis and species decline mean that today in the UK, and across the globe, we need to make a change now. Every single person needs to take a step to reduce their impact on our environment, both globally and locally. In the UK, more and more of our species are in decline with about 15% threatened with extinction. We’ve already hunted all of our top predators to extinction. Native woodlands cover as little as 2.5% of our land. Our seas have been over-exploited to meet the every growing and unsustainable demand for food from both our domestic population and overseas, with pollution from watercourses feeding our oceans creating further problems. Conservation has been working hard to promote change to save wildlife and improve our environment. But it’s time to move beyond species promotion and nature reserves. We want to take a WildStep and we want everyone to join us. We want to rewild land in local communities to protect species and wildlife, to protect our air quality and reduce watercourse pollution, and to contribute to the protection of the global environment. This will have added benefits for the local people; to protect property value, and to protect communities. We are going to start a small revolution for investors and for community groups, and provide a way that land can be valuable in it’s purest, most natural form. Wild! Take a WildStep with us and support WildStep to protect your environment.

Holsworthy Project, North Devon
Our first project involves rewilding former pastureland in between Bude and Holsworthy in North Devon. We have bought a small plot with the intention of extending the natural woodland adjacent back into the pastureland. You or your school / class can invest in a number of projects on the land including:
- sponsoring the land itself;
- sponsoring tree planting;
- purchasing a bird box;
- purchasing a bug hotel; or
- many other options below.
See below for more detail on each of these opportunities and how to join in with our project.
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Investment Opportunities and Products
School Sustainability

NGA, NAEE and Derventio Education have come together to provide schools and trusts with a free online tool distributed within SchooliP (the #1 in Teacher Performance Management, CPD & Training and Self Evaluation tools) to help governing boards adopt and develop environmental sustainability as a strategic priority.
If you are a school leader or governor, click here to access the SchooliP Sustainability Portal and register your school for a free account.