Alarming statistics suggest that we are in a mental health crisis and the massive increase in SEND referrals shows that schools are at the forefront of managing this.
Established by a group of educators with the aim to provide tools and expertise to enable schools to thrive whilst providing excellent value for money. We work with school’s day in day out collaboratively to develop our offering.
A two-pronged approach – with innovative Provision Mapping, our software reduces administrative burdens in the context of growing numbers whilst our expert support services provide much needed support to our network of schools.
What can our SEND Technology do?
- Plans Completed – needs identified, and interventions assigned
- Provision maps Generated – Students assigned, and lead staff assigned
- Interventions managed – Expected outcomes and sessions monitored
- Intervention Reviews – Completed by lead staff
- End of Provision Reviews – Completed by SENDCo and impact evaluated
- Key Analytics Generated – Student plans and overall provision


Our platform has been developed in partnership with schools. Built by teachers for teachers!
The team brings over 24 years of experience covering roles in senior leadership, SENCOs within schools and at local authority level. Working in partnership with ProvisionVue, our SchoolPro SEND service will save SENCOs and their teams hours of administrative work. Using banks of interventions, resources and strategies when completing student plans, this system automatically generates Provision Maps and creates intervention groups. All of the relevant information will feed back into a student’s plan to support the completion of in year reviews.
The technology does the heavy lifting. Designed by SENDCOs, ProvisionVue will transform the way your team manages their provision whilst embedding the DfE graduated approach to SEND – Plan, Do, Review.
Key Benefits:
- The ability to evaluate impact; using a simple impact scale, each student is evaluated at the end of an intervention which drives the analytics.
- Connects to your MIS; understand the profile of your students using the data in your MIS. Let the student areas of need drive your resource planning.
- We understand what will work for you and your team; our platform has been developed in partnership with schools. Built by teachers for teachers!
Coming soon…
Aims of this session are to:
- Develop an understanding of the statutory responsibility to monitor and evaluate data processing with specific focus on SEN and Child Protection (CP) pupils
- Develop a greater awareness of the potential pitfalls of processing SEN and CP data
- Share good practice in relation data protection using case studies from schools we currently work with
- Raise awareness of the retention schedules for SEN and CP data

More information coming soon…
Remote SEND Support Service
from £460 +VAT
Annual Auto-renewing Subscription
Remote SEND Service Comprising:
- Access to our remote SEND provision map portal
- SENDCO training to access and use system
- Telephone and email support for system use.
Coming soon...
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon...
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon...
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Frequently Asked Questions
How will the software help me streamline SEND processes in my school?
ProvisionVue embeds the graduated approach – Assess, Plan, Do, Review. The technology will do much of the administrative work for you by simply telling it the needs of each individual student.
Are there different types of student plans?
Yes, there are three different types of plans to meet the needs of all students from lower level SEND support to students with EHCPs.
Will the software help me generate Provision Maps?
Yes, once student plans are completed, ProvisionVue will analyse them and automatically generate suggested Provision Maps saving hours of time.
Does the software track and monitor interventions?
Yes, ProvisionVue automatically generates intervention trackers from the provision maps. The easy-to-use impact scores generate key analytics to drive decision making.
Can student SEND information easily be shared with all staff?
Yes, the Student Profile feature is easily accessible by all users of the software.
Does the software integrate with a Schools MIS?
Yes, ProvisionVue utilises the Wonde API to integrate with all major UK MIS’s. The setup is easy.