Your go-to service for aligning with DfE guidance and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
Safeguarding sits at the heart of everything we do. Through our environment, training, actions and observations, the question of keeping those in our community safe takes centre stage.
Safeguarding culture can be easy to talk about but harder to prove, often searching for evidence for those micro-transactions and institutional expectations that go unspoken.
The Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) consistently considers how well learners are protected and kept safe. Although safeguarding doesn’t receive a separate grade, there is always a written judgement under ‘leadership and management’ regarding the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements. Safeguarding is deemed ineffective when there are significant or widespread failures in the school’s safeguarding measures. This includes not meeting statutory requirements, causing serious concern, or failing to address weaknesses after a serious incident. Ineffective safeguarding will always result in the school being placed in a formal category of concern.
Key benefits of our service:
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The SchoolPro Safeguarding Audit Tool is your go-to for aligning with DfE guidance and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE). It helps schools ensure their safeguarding measures are effective, providing a quick snapshot that complements other checks. This tool highlights areas for improvement and gives a clear summary for the school.
With this tool, schools can:
- Review safeguarding practices, spotting strengths and areas needing a boost
- Keep key people (like the Governing Body/Trustees) in the loop about safeguarding efforts
- Create action plans to tackle any gaps
- Gather evidence of best practice.
The SchoolPro Safeguarding Audit Tool is your go-to for aligning with DfE guidance and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE). It helps schools ensure their safeguarding measures are effective, providing a quick snapshot that complements other checks. This tool highlights areas for improvement and gives a clear summary for the school.
Annual safeguarding audits are a must, with results recorded by the governing body. SchoolPro offers extra support, including school visits every two years to go through the audit together.
Need more help? Just ask for additional visits or advice.
Supervision – Providing a safe space for key staff to talk through their caseload, share any worries and talk over some of those complex decisions that can keep us all awake at night.
There is a growing understanding of the value of supervision as a tool to keep our most valuable safeguarding assets safe – the staff themselves.
Supervision can be provided online or in person and is offered termly at hour long sessions.
Complaints – We offer independent complaints investigation services, particularly useful for stage 3 complaints in line with your complaints policy. We are skilled negotiators and have a track record of working to resolve complex matters.
- Evaluate safeguarding processes – Identify gaps and develop an action plan and review process
- Inform key individuals – Ensure the governing body/trustees know how the school is keeping children safe, supporting strategic challenge
- Demonstrate action – Show steps taken to audit and safeguard children and young people
- Prepare for Ofsted inspection – Gather evidence of safeguarding impact and keep copies of the last three years of audits and action plans to demonstrate progression.
Highly energetic training, delivered in person, designed to engage staff and promote their critical thinking. We have delivered over 100,000 hours of face-to-face training over the last 10 years and strive to deliver meaningful and enjoyable training.
Training can written to cover specific concerns or developed in response to audit recommendations. We are also building a library of online resources to better meet the ever-changing challenge presented to our front-line staff
These sessions comprise of:
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Safeguarding Excellence for Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts – Empower Your School with Comprehensive Safeguarding Support.
At SchoolPro, we understand the critical importance of safeguarding in education. Our Safeguarding Support Service is designed to provide schools and multi-academy trusts with the tools, training, and resources needed to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff.
Full Safeguarding Support Service – Including supervision for DSL
£925.00 to £1250.00 + VAT
per annum, per school site
(dependent on the size)
Annual Auto-renewing Subscription
Safeguarding Support Service Comprising:
- Access to our online Safeguarding
portal and tools - Option of annual onsite audit
- Comprehensive online training (optional onsite in person session
alongside audit visit) - Telephone and email support
- Essential document templates
- Regular updates & trends
including professional development
resources such
podcasts and professional
guidance material - Tailored support for document
writing including policies, referral
forms, supervision documentation
and action planning - Named contact person.
Core Safeguarding Support Service
£925.00 to £1250.00 + VAT
per annum, per school site
(dependent on the size)
Annual Auto-renewing Subscription
Slimmed down Safeguarding Service Comprising:
- Access to our online safeguarding
portal and tools - Option of remote audit
and action planning review - Access to comprehensive online
training packages - Telephone and email support
- Essential document templates
- Regular updates & trends
including professional development
resources such as
podcasts and professional
guidance material - Access to support
documentation templates
including policies, referral forms,
supervision documentation and
action planning.
Remote Safeguarding Support Service
£490.00 +VAT
per annum, per school site
Annual Auto-renewing Subscription
Remote Safeguarding Support Service Comprising:
• Access to our online safeguarding
portal and tools
• Audit framework tool
• Access to comprehensive online
training packages
• Essential document templates
• Email support to access resources
• Regular updates & trends
including professional development
resources such as access to
podcasts, and professional
guidance material
• Access to support documentation
templates including policies,
referral forms, supervision
documentation and action planning.
£529.00 +VAT
per annum, per person
Annual Auto-renewing Subscription
Add-on or standalone Supervision for DSLs & DDSLs Comprising:
• Five hours of supervision sessions
for safeguarding leads
• One session scheduled per full school term
• Two sessions to be utilised through the year on demand.
Frequently Asked Questions
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