School Leadership & Management

The key for school leaders improving educational outcomes

How We Can help

Being in a school leadership or management role can be incredibly fulfilling but can also present you with a variety of challenges – from changes to the curriculum and dealing with difficult parents, to ensuring your staff team fulfil their potential.

SchoolPro TLC understands that effective school leadership is critical in improving educational outcomes, promoting high expectations and meeting the rigorous demands of Ofsted and the DfE. Our Leadership programmes and support packages strengthen leadership at all levels, empowering headteachers, governors and senior leaders to build leadership capacity, deliver whole-school improvement, secure better teaching and learning, and manage complex organisations more effectively.

Our team has direct experience of senior leadership roles within schools and we also have a network of current headteachers who can provide support alongside schools that can link with you to demonstrate areas of outstanding practice. We can also work across MATs to support your needs and use our consultants to support in your key areas of focus and development.

We believe in developing leaders and our service is bespoke to each organisation with our support and experience offering a cost-effective approach to ensure the leadership teams already in place have the tools necessary to bring about change. We match the relevant support to your organization based on expertise, not on personality. However, if the professional relationship isn’t ‘blossoming’, we will review the situation and, where necessary, change the consultant without impacting on the level of service.

Pupil Premium Review

A priority for any school where disadvantaged pupils are failing to achieve their expected outcomes, this review is designed to analyse the use and impact of your pupil premium funding, including looking at achievement, behaviour and attendance data.

We will support you in improving the effectiveness of this provision and include clear recommendations in our report, so that your funding is spent on approaches proven to help disadvantaged pupils.

How Does it Work?

Prior to visiting, we will review evidence including analysis of your Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR), Analyse School Performance (ASP), and documentation including the school development plan (SDP), Pupil Premium Strategy and your previous year’s spend.

We will then spend a day in your school, which will comprise discussions with key staff, short visits to classrooms with senior leaders, scrutiny of evidence of progress for students currently in school, and discussions with students.

At the end of the day, we will provide detailed verbal feedback to the headteacher and any others you would like included.

Following this, within two weeks of our visit, we will provide a report with specific recommendations for action. Delivered in a supportive and developmental manner, both the verbal feedback and the written report will be clear, concise and based on an accurate evaluation of the evidence provided.

Senior and Middle Leader Support

We have a range of exceptionally skilled school improvement consultants who are experienced at working alongside school leaders to support their professional development and help them maximise the impact of their roles. We can support aspiring or newly appointed leaders, as well as those who are established in their roles but require an external eye to enhance their practice. Our services are flexible to suit your needs.

  • Action planning and measuring impact
  • Quality assurance: creating monitoring and evaluation systems that work
  • Data analysis
  • Creating and sharing a vision
  • Identifying and supporting the professional development needs of staff
  • Reporting to an external audience
  • Effective line management meetings
  • Curriculum development
  • Developing clear accountability structures

Key Stage 5 Review

The 16-19 Study Programmes have been in place since 2013 which should provide students with structured and challenging learning that supports their development in line with their career plans. Ensuring that your programme meets these requirements alongside maximizing your funding opportunities and performance measures will be the focus of the review. Our bespoke key stage review service can support you in all areas of the Study Programme or be tailored to meet a specific need within a highlighted area.

How Does it Work?

Prior to visiting, we will review your IDSR, prospectus, study programme plan and any other supporting documentation such as your sixth form development plan.

We will then spend a day in your school, which will comprise of discussions with key staff, short visits to classrooms with senior leaders, scrutiny of evidence of progress for students currently in school and discussions with students. We will also look at your RAP planning, work experience and tutoring programmes, progression planning, non-qualification hours planning, and use of independent study time.

At the end of the day, we will provide detailed verbal feedback to the Head of Sixth Form, the headteacher and any others you would like included.

Following this, we will provide a timely report with specific recommendations for action. The written report will be clear, concise and based on an accurate evaluation of the evidence provided.

If you’d like to discuss how SchoolPro TLC can support and develop your leadership and management capacity, arrange a conversation with us today.