Sponsor 9m² of Land – Holsworthy Project

£5.00 / month

Sponsor 9m² of land at our North Devon project. Help us to keep the land from development and re-wild our part of the English countryside.


Sponsor 9m² of land at our North Devon project. Help us to keep the land from development and re-wild our part of the English countryside.


Holsworthy Project

The aim of the project will be to rewild a significant area of land along water-courses, in an area where land is increasingly under pressure to provide economic returns from high yield farming methods or from changes to more tourist based economic activity. The project will seek to secure parcels of land from 0.25 acres upwards to rewild and return to natural vegetation to act as a buffer between the effluent polluted watercourse and the farm land beyond, while also removing the land from sale. There will also be an attempt to create a micro-economic activity if we are able to secure enough land to contribute to the tourist economy within the region in a sustainable way.

Benefits of Rewilding
  • Mitigate Climate Change By Increasing Carbon Removal From The Atmosphere
  • Protect Against Climate Change Impacts
  • Reduce Soil Erosion, Flood Risk, And Pollution Run-Off Into Water Courses
  • Rewilding Has Socio-Economic Opportunities For Local Communities
  • Reduce Environmental Hazards
  • Improving Human Health And Wellbeing With Access To Nature And Protecting The Essential Life-Cycles


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