Health and Safety

As practicing educators we know how to apply Health and Safety guidance in a way that works properly for you.


SchoolPro Safety was formed by education leaders with over 20 years’ experience teaching in schools. With knowledge gained from running hundreds of school visits delivering first aid and health and safety training for over ten years. We have successfully worked to improve safety standards along with quality of experience.

Our packages are designed to meet the needs of your school and your school community. Whether it is health and safety auditing, Fire Safety, first aid training, visit approval, policy writing or risk assessing we will ensure that the service you receive meets your exact requirements.

We work with a range of education establishments from small village primary schools to large inner-city secondaries and colleges, and we ensure that our bespoke packages suit both your needs and budget.

  • Over 20 years Health & Safety in Education experience
  • As practicing educators, we know how to apply Health and Safety guidance in a way that works for you
  • Our services are designed to give you the time, confidence and skills needed to take young people out of school as much as possible
  • Over 10 years’ experience teaching First Aid to develop an approach that focuses on teachers.


Health & Safety

SchoolPro Safety provide all the training you need to make sure you can have confidence your school site is the safe environment students and parents rely on.

Our audit system provides an easy way for your school to review its current health and safety requirements to make sure you stay compliant. Our unique portal keeps all this information in one place making it easy for Bursars, Leaders and Governors to see at a glance if there are areas that need work.

With our all-inclusive package we provide all the training you need to make sure you have the expertise you need to manage and run your site. We believe all teaching staff have a role to play in making sure children receive the best standards of safety and as such pride ourselves in offering excellent training at market leading prices.

Most importantly we specialise in and only work with schools. We understand the pressures on time and money you face and as such support you in managing health and safety with as limited impact on learning as possible

  • Auditing – Health and Safety audits can be a time consuming and disruptive process. We believe schools can be the safe places students deserve without high costs and drawn-out administrative processes. Whether training staff in small schools to complete their own audits or supporting health and safety leads in larger schools with external auditing we have a range of solutions. With 20 years plus in schools we are able to apply HSE guidance to schools in a way that means you can prioritise funds and time into learning.
  • Comprehensive Training – both online and in person.
  • Consultancy – Whether you need support writing policies or advice on implementing new procedures we can provide support face to face or online. With backgrounds in Health and Safety and Education we are well placed to interpret HSE guidance, so you don’t have to.

First Aid

All workplaces must legally provide a level of first aid provision for their workers. Schools have an even greater responsibility because of the vulnerability of the young people they cater for.

At SchoolPro Safety we believe every member of staff has a role to play in this and therefore should have some training. To support schools we have developed a raft of training course that in our all-inclusive packages are free to all staff. Even when purchasing courses separately our training is amongst the most competitive on the market, at times half the price of organisations who deal with a wider market than just schools.

  • FREE first aid resources for your school – We believe every child should be taught first aid throughout their journey through education and support this by proving free materials to support schools in teaching our young people.
  • Our flexible approach means you get the best price possible and can save as much as 75% (full, face to face, Emergency First Aid at Work course for as little as £35 per person).

Educational Visits

We know how much staff want to provide the rich educational experiences that are available outside the classroom. We work with you to make sure you can take advantage of all the opportunities you can. We do this by training you schools Educational Visits Co-ordinator making sure they have the expertise to support your staff in increasing these opportunities.

We also have a raft of online training that all staff supporting and leading visits can access, making sure they have the expertise and confidence to safely run visits. With our all-inclusive packages this training is free to all staff so that cost does not become a barrier to safety. For more unusual and risk visits we also offer an advisory service where our experts will offer advice and guidance.

  • Policy Consultation – Safety on school visits starts with good policy, procedure and guidance. Spending a little time on this initially can reduce time and money spent later on. SchoolPro Safety can help you take guidance from organisations like OEAP and make it work for your setting. 
  • Training – Having run or supported over 500 visits and supported over 2000 students through the Duke of Edinburgh Award we understand the training your staff need for the safest and most enriching off-site activities. We believe all staff supporting visits need some basic understanding of how to keep children safe and what to do when things go wrong so we make our training as affordable as possible. Whether it be face to face EVC and EVL training or a 30min online course for supporting visits our comprehensive suite of course should meet your needs.
  • Approval – With tens of thousands of hours experience running and supporting school visits, SchoolPro Safety is happy to support you in making the more difficult visit approval decisions. Whether you use evolve, edufocus or any other software package we work to make sure your higher risk visits are safe, but we always begin from the start point everything is possible.


Our comprehensive raft of training has everything you need to stay compliant and provide the safe places of education your students deserve; from 30 minute online training session, to a 2-day blended learning course, we are able to meet all your needs.

We believe training written by teachers, for teachers is vital, making sure nothing is missed and without spending time on things that don’t apply to educational settings. We strongly believe all people who work with children should have a basic understanding therefore we make our courses market leading on price so cost does not stand in the way of competency.

Coming soon…

Coming soon…

Frequently Asked Questions​

No. Our best value and service come from our annual subscription. We focus on building strong relationships with schools and hope that this will be the reason they continue using our services year after year – rather than locking them into long-term agreements.

We believe in developing long-term relationships. Each school is assigned a dedicated advisor who will support you through a guided review of your health and safety provision. Your advisor remains available as a single point of contact, ensuring consistency and familiarity. We want our advisors to be seen as an extension of your team, working towards shared goals and objectives.

In the first year, we focus on understanding your school’s specific needs and ensuring compliance. After the initial visit, your advisor will work with you remotely to help maintain statutory compliance and build strong foundations. Most schools continue working with us beyond this stage to develop robust, time-saving policies and procedures that enhance health and safety for staff and students.

SchoolPro Safety is run by teachers and school managers with expertise in health and safety. Having worked in schools, we understand the unrealistic expectations, barriers, and challenges you face. This unique perspective enables us to provide practical, effective solutions that save time, reduce workload, and improve safety for staff and students.

Not at all. We offer access to our industry-leading portal, which provides document storage, auditing tools, risk management resources, training, and incident logs. You are welcome to use as much or as little of it as suits your needs. If your existing systems work well, we will adapt to work with you.

Yes! We provide a range of online and face-to-face training options to meet all your health and safety needs. Full subscribers receive free access to all online training courses. Face-to-face training is heavily discounted, with a one-day Emergency First Aid course available for as little as £35 per person.

That’s up to you. Our annual subscription includes at least one guaranteed visit, but as a school’s health and safety provision improves, some choose to conduct reviews online. For schools needing additional support, we aim to provide the best value possible for their needs.

We prefer to call it a ‘guided review’ rather than an audit. A single-day visit isn’t enough to fairly assess risk in a complex school environment. Instead, we tailor the review to your school’s specific needs. While every review includes a short site walk, it may also focus on areas like COSHH compliance or first aid provision. The review becomes a live document that evolves over time. After each visit, we provide a one-hour online follow-up to set development targets and apply the SchoolPro Safety seal of approval.