Data Analytics

Our data experts and data analytic tools work with you to save time and money whilst increasing performance, attendance, behaviour and engagement.


We believe that getting the most out of a school’s Management Information System (MIS) and providing teachers with accurate, up to date information at their fingertips is key to doing this.

Our Data Manager Service Level Agreements fully manage your school’s performance data, and our tools will engage all stakeholders to ensure your students make progress.

Our schools originally had onsite data managers but made the decision to move to our Data Service because our Data Team provide resilience, expertise and value for money. We even tailor the service to meet your needs.

  • MIS marksheet design and management
  • Data Collection
  • Student reporting
  • Data analysis
  • Curriculum assignment
  • Student census returns
  • Results days taken care of
  • Free access to our superb online suite of data analytics tools.


Let the technology do the work with our outstanding online suite of data analytics modules. The platform is unique in providing insight for the four key areas of student data – academic Performance, Attendance, Behaviour and Engagement with the wider curriculum.

  • All your analytics in one platform – Gain valuable insight into your school
  • The perfect complement to your MIS – compatible with all UK MIS’s
  • Save data managers, teachers and senior leaders hours of time managing data
  • Interactive dashboards – Insight at your fingertips
  • Be Ofsted ready
  • Choose the modules you want.

A powerful performance analytics tool designed to drive school improvement. Use data effectively to unlock barriers to learning.

  • Prior attainment
  • Performance grades
  • Bespoke progress maps
  • Engagement in learning data
  • Attendance

Identify trends in your MIS student behaviour data to make meaningful interventions.

  • Whole school summary
  • Pastoral insight
  • Subject overview
  • The whole student
  • Teacher overview.

Analyse your school’s MIS attendance data to identify areas of strength and weakness. Save hours of time on running reports from your MIS.

  • Whole school summary
  • Key groups
  • Year groups
  • Individual students
  • Explore attendance ranges.

Evaluate your wider curriculum offering and gain insight into which students are engaging. Together we can develop their cultural capital.

  • Define your ethos pillars
  • Clubs
  • Events
  • Challenges
  • Provision Audit.

Frequently Asked Questions​

The team are available Mon-Fri from 08:30 until 16:30 all year round, including school holidays. They are simply at the end of a phone or available for a Teams call. One of the key benefits of the service is having a group of data experts who know your school, removing single points of failure.

Our team remotely access your MIS using the secure Screen Connect client.

Our team are fully trained in using the major MIS’s in the UK including SIMS, Arbor and Bromcom.

Yes, the software utilises the Wonde API to integrate with all major UK MIS’s. The setup is easy.

No, MIS’s are crucial administrative tools for schools but do not specialise in data analytics. Our software is a perfect complement to your MIS and simply analyses much of the data within it. The software will save hours of time extracting and manually analysing data.

The software is online so simply accessed via a web browser from any internet connected device.