SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on password best practice, common breaches, and how long to retain emails. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on the ICO's accountability framework and advice on NHS Test & Trace data handling and cyber security for schools. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring updates on our new processes, new services, online training and new resources for you! Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on SARs & exam results and updates on ICO advice for NHS Test & Trace data. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring the latest ICO advice on contract tracing & video conferencing. Read now!
Data decisions and data protection impact assessments - when and how you should use them, and what we can do to support you.
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on avoiding scams and staying safe while working remotely during lockdown. Read now!
School Closures, Remote Teaching & Data Protection. This month's newsletter features advice from the ICO about data protection and data security.
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on contingency planning & disaster recovery, & reducing your IT breach risk. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on handling Freedom of Information Requests and more! Read now!