SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring news that our version of the NCSC's cyber security training has been approved by the RPA, our thoughts on the Data Reform proposals, an in depth look at Subject Access Requests, and whether you need to consider international data transfers for staff working abroad. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring information on the new trial daily data collection by the DfE using Wonde, updates from a number of processors you may use, an introduction to our new re-wilding project 'Wildstep', and what exemptions you can legitimately use when preparing a Subject Access Request. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring information on a FREE cyber security course for schools, an overview of our new audit tool - the Accountability Tracker, understanding the need to contract an EU representative, information on the latest cyber threats, and how you can legitimately extend the timeframe of a Subject Access Request. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on notifying data subjects of breaches, information on the DfE's encrypted email & text system GOV.UK Notify, understanding the need to pay compensation for breaches, a question about processing biometric data, the latest advice from the NCSC on phishing attacks, and how you can manage emails in the context of Subject Access Requests. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on subject access requests, reducing the risk of cyber attack, new features on our online training platform, the latest on the ICO's Children's Code and Freedom of Information documents, and how you can publish historical photographs of your school. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on reducing the risk of cyber attack, data protection & this summer's exam series, & the latest on schools as polling stations. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on staying safe with emails, the ICO's Children's Code, & the latest on staying compliant with new suppliers. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on reducing the risk of legal claims, guidance on safely setting up Teams meetings, & the latest on school Covid testing. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on remote learning resources, keeping your DPO involved in planning & decision-making, data protection & Brexit, & school Covid testing. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on data protection & Brexit, remote school events & sending out Christmas card lists. Read now!