SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for February '24. DfE Privacy Information Updates, ICO Guidance for Educational Settings, DfE Technology Standards in Education, Data Protection in the News, Regulatory Updates and Resources, plus the Latest SchoolPro TLC Information (including new privacy notices and DPIAs). Read now!
SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for October '23. Information sharing for children, US-UK Data Bridge, email security, consequences of data breaches, new DPIAs, and more SchoolPro TLC news. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for September '23. New SAR request tool from the ICO, guidance on the use of WhatsApp by school staff, updates to our privacy notice and ICT Acceptable Use Agreement templates, and more SchoolPro TLC news. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for July '23. Latest SAR guidance, advice to avoid ICO reprimands, latest on the Children's Code, data protection issues, and SchoolPro TLC news. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for May '23. Latest phishing warnings, DfE updates, data protection issues, and SchoolPro TLC news. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for March '23. Featuring DfE updates to daily school attendance data, meeting digital technology standards & generative AI in education. Plus, election day advice for schools used as polling stations and new data protection responsibilities for job descriptions. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC data protection updates & alerts for February '23. Featuring the DfE update to Data Protection in Schools and the NCSC / LGfL Cybersecurity Schools Audit. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an overview of our version 2 Data Protection portal upgrade, our guidance for keeping staff safe from cyber threats and common breach risks, a review of the latest DfE update and other data protection stories that may impact education providers, and our advice on sending out class lists for Christmas cards. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring guidance on risk assessing data processing activities linked to the DfE's recent biometric data guidance, our advice for conducting online checks on job applicants as per KCSIE 2022, a review of the latest DfE updates including their new cyber security standards, and how to ensure you always send out blank forms free from other individual's personal data. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring our first take on the introduction of the UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, our advice for conducting online checks on job applicants as per KCSIE 2022, an review of the latest DfE updates including regarding use of biometric data, and whether you should disclose CCTV footage or imagery if it is requested. Read now!