SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on avoiding scams and staying safe while working remotely during lockdown. Read now!
Download our guide & action plan templates for Post Covid-19 Action Plans. Advice you can rely on. Get in touch to see how we can assist you with reopening.
School Closures, Remote Teaching & Data Protection. This month's newsletter features advice from the ICO about data protection and data security.
Infographic containing guidance for conducting virtual school staff interviews whilst working from home under lockdown during the pandemic. Download here!
Infographic containing guidance for conducting virtual school governor meetings whilst working from home under lockdown during the pandemic. Download here!
Covid-19 daily risk assessment for schools and school hubs. To assist during school closure periods during national or local lockdowns. Download here!
Immediate advice in the event of school closures, planning for school hubs, plus guidance for staying secure whilst working from home. Read here!
Infographic containing guidance for safely conducting live lesson streaming whilst working from home under lockdown during the pandemic. Download here!
Infographic containing guidance for implementing safe remote learning whilst working from home under lockdown during the pandemic. Download here!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring advice on handling Freedom of Information Requests and more! Read now!