SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on remote learning resources, keeping your DPO involved in planning & decision-making, data protection & Brexit, & school Covid testing. Read now!
In order to maintain ongoing compliance with Data Protection legislation, it is important that your Data Protection Officer (DPO) is fully aware of and involved in any changes within your school, college or Trust that could impact the data protection function of the organisation. Read on as we explain one example of where this is really important.
Update to data protection at the end of the Brexit transition & DfE documentation for school covid testing. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on data protection & Brexit, remote school events & sending out Christmas card lists. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on password best practice, common breaches, and how long to retain emails. Read now!
SchoolPro TLC newsletter for school data protection. Featuring an update on the ICO's accountability framework and advice on NHS Test & Trace data handling and cyber security for schools. Read now!
Update to guidance for schools including our NHS Test & Trace Privacy Notice addendum, and NHS Test & Trace app advice. Read now!
Guidance for schools processing data during this phase of the pandemic including our NHS Test & Trace Privacy Notice, and Health Data DPIA. Read now!
What are Data protection Assessments and why are they important. A DPIA is a process to help you identify and minimise the data protection | See more
Immediate advice in the event of school closures, planning for school hubs, plus guidance for staying secure whilst working from home. Read here!